RAW, NDS & Baloch Stooges vis-a-vis Balochistan Militancy

1.             The apparent purpose of the urgency in Balochistan is always portrayed as an armed struggle for the rights of Baloch sub-nationalists and the materialization of the myth of Azad Balochistan. The actual rationale behind this phenomenon seems to be "keeping, Balochistan unstable through terrorist acts” in lieu of money consequently leading luxurious lives by the few Sardars. Understandably, dissident and self-exiled Baloch Sardars are least concerned about the future of their innocent youth Baloch tribesmen. Like earlier in Pakistan, Sardar Balochs are continually leading luxurious lives and enjoying perks & privileges abroad. Factually, these high headed Sardars are playing in the hands of hostile powers / HIAs, particularly RAW and NDS whereas innocent Baloch youth is being played into the hands of invisible dissident Sardars without an iota of self gain. Decades have passed that a bunch of innocent / illiterate Baloch youth, mostly tenants, has been made fools by their dissident Sardars, fighting against the state, losing their precious lives and securing no future for their children, hence remaining under the clutches of their Sardars.

2.             The fact that the urgency being run by various Baloch factions in the name of Baloch nationalism / Azad Balochistan is nothing more than a business being done by different Sardars for earning easy money, fame and leading luxurious lives abroad, while provoking innocent Balochs to use weapons against their own state. Conversely, these hidden and self-centered Sardars forced Baloch youth to join Baloch insurgent / terrorist organizations during the past one decade. These Sardars have gradually been exposed / understand by the educated / enlightened Baloch youth. This is the reason that for the last few years, names from ordinary Baloch castes instead of royal Baloch tribes have been rising up as commanders of Baloch armed outfits like BLA, BRA etc. Resultantly sense a of alienation have prevailed thus such ordinary Baloch militant leaders have started developing direct and independent contacts with the Indian and Afghan masterminds to get their own shares in the business like their sardars to run their own respected terrorist networks. One such example is of Dr Allah Nazar Baloch, who was an ordinary Baloch initially fighting for his sardar but later became head of his own independent network.

 In August 2015, media announced that Allah Nazar Baloch had been killed while fighting government forces in Awaran district. Two months later he released a video, revealing that he had survived the encounter and remains in charge of the BLF while enjoying life abroad and playing in the hands of anti-state elements. Now he is not seen in the media since end of 2015

3.   The most recent example of similar nature is Aslam Baloch, a senior BLA Commander, who had fled to Kandahar (Afghanistan) after the start of operation by security forces in March 2016 in Sangan area of ​​Balochistan. It has been learned that Aslam Baloch has recently visited India without the consent of Harbiyar Marri and has held meetings with RAW officials. The said visit / meetings indicate that some differences have developed between Harbiyar Marri and Aslam Baloch due to which the later is now trying to open his own shop. This also indicates that due to prolonged absence of Harbiyar Marri from Balochistan and the desertion of Ferrari leaders, Harbiyar is losing control on BLA and many local commanders like their  "TAKRIS" are demanding a share in the illicit business and authority for which they have started direct contacts with RAW / HIAs handlers,.

4. The Kalbhushan’s episode has exposed the dirty game played by Indian RAW in Balochistan with the facilitation of its source agency NDS. The investment being made by Indian intelligence to keep Pakistan, unstable through the so-called BSNs is no more a secret. Consequently, the internal differences between Baloch Ferraris, self-exiled Sardars and their contest for earning money out of their so-called insurgent movements. These facts are indicative of the facts that Baloch youth soon would no longer stay under their clutches and be ready to play into the hands of their Sardars anymore and the hostile handlers against their own country where they can excel in every sphere of life

5. Following newspapers, electronic channels including radio are recommended for proleration of thenne:
a.         Vsh (Balochi TV) and repeated as follow up
 b.        Sana newwwspaper.
c.         Intekhab newspaper.
d.         Mashriq newspaper.
e.         Awam & Public.
f.          Azadi & Balochistan Express.
g.         jang
h.         All national TV channels at prime times and repeated.
i.          PBC Quetta, FM private Channels of Balochistan and repeated.
j.          Al-Jazeera TV and newspaper coverage through Islamabad based
k.         Pakistani writer / reporter.
l.          A seminar is recommended as under:-
(1) About the awareness of Baloch youth based on the thenne being                     floated.
(2) Invite / arrange Baloch political leaders and Baloch sympathizers          belonging to optimum Baloch areas of Balochistan.
(3)   Dividends of development in Balochistan to be drawn by Baloch          youth, secured future of their families and children may also be made            part of seminars theme.
(4)   Invite complete Quetta based print and electronic media including PBC and private radio channels, VOA, BBC and Balochi periodicals to attend the seminar
(5)  Columns / articles, interviews in all languages ​​i.e. Urdu, Balochi and   Pashto be arranged as follow up. Similarly, with significant pauses,       these already conducted and printed materials may be repeated to       bring shift in the perception of baloch / pashtun youth.
6.      Delineated below points are recommended to facilitate PEMRA to take following steps:-
         a.   Seize satellite channels being telecast from Afghanistan in Balochi, Brahvi and       regional languages ​​e.g shamaa, Mashal and Shamshad TV primarily aimed  at propagating  at  the  behest  of  RAW, NDS  and  US  to  pollute Baloch and Pashtun youth.
         b.            RAW and NDS fully financed radio channels are being broadcast 24/7 from Afghanistan and from other countries in Balochi, Brahvi, Pashto and other regional languages ​​of Balochistan primarily aimed at propagating support for BLA, BRA, BLF Balochistan and against CPEC. These channels should also be located to access Balochistan territory
         c.            HIAs are misusing different social media channels to influence and subvert Baloch youth against the federation of Pakistan and to provoke sub-nationalist sentiments. This is becoming a great challenge to the national integration of Pakistan and stability of the province. It is pertinent to mention that several countries of the world have imposed ban or restrictions on the use of social media either in the whole country or in particular part of the country being targeted. There is a need to devise policies regarding the unchecked use of social media in the country in general and Balochistan in particular
         d.            Balochi TV online has a significant viewership and wider range of Balochi Radio online listeners. Both the Balochi TV and Radio channels are telecasting and broadcasting selected narratives on their own wish and will. Both the medium are against the country. Therefore, it is suggested that these must be banned and / or restricted and no free telecast or broadcast be allowed anymore in the country

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