India-US nuclear deal signed by George W. Bush
and approved by the Congress in 2009 had given rise to asymmetry in South Asia.
Pakistan had every reason to be upset, because by refusing to ink similar deal
with Pakistan - an old strategic ally that was intertwined with the US and the
West in various pacts since 1950, felt betrayed. President Barack Obama has
committed to give state guarantee to India on behalf of American Nuclear
Suppliers with regard to liability in case of nuclear-related accident. Anyhow,
the way the US has treated a friend that stood by its allies for about
half-a-century, is deplorable. Responding to Pakistan’s concerns over US-India
nuclear deal, the US State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki said: “It has
strong relationship with each of them. These relationships are strong; they are
vital to our strategic interests, and they stand at their own”.
statement is rhetoric, as Pakistan has given all the sacrifices in the war on
terror but India has been rewarded in the form of N-deal. In fact, foundation
for strategic relationship with India was laid by the then president Bill
Clinton during his visit to India in March 2000, and blossomed during George W.
Bush era. Pakistan had expressed concerns over Indo-US nuclear cooperation
deal, when it had been approved by the Congress and became a law after
President Bush signed it. Some facts about N-deal; on March 2, 2006 in New
Delhi, George W. Bush and Manmohan Singh had signed a Civil Nuclear Cooperation
Agreement, following an initiation during the July 2005 summit in Washington
between the two leaders over civilian nuclear cooperation.
US had been pressing India to move on the deal before the end of President
George W. Bush’s tenure, warning the pact may not survive in its current form
under the next administration. The implementation of agreement had earlier hit
the snag after the US Congressional vote in December 2006 requiring of India to
pledge not to conduct any more nuclear test and not to use spent nuclear fuel
from the plants the country would receive from the US. Anyhow, by concluding a
nuclear deal with India the Bush administration had allowed business and
political interests to trump up the national security interests of the United
States. Besides, creating asymmetry in South Asia, the US-India nuclear trade
legislation had granted India the benefits of being a member of the nuclear
non-proliferation treaty without requiring it to meet all of the
responsibilities expected of responsible states.
has to be mentioned that India remained outside the international nuclear
mainstream since it misused Canadian and US peaceful nuclear assistance to
conduct its 1974 nuclear bomb test, refused to sign the nuclear
Non-proliferation Treaty, and conducted additional nuclear tests in 1998. India
had been cut off from most US civilian nuclear assistance since 1978 because of
these violations. It was felt that India’s willingness to open some nuclear
reactors for international inspection in return for the deal was not enough, as
the agreement allowed it to keep its extensive and secret nuclear weapons and
materials production complex off-limits. By adopting the nuclear bill, Congress
had disregarded the provisions that would have required commitments from India
to restrain its production of nuclear weapons and nuclear bomb material.
legislation also overlooked the US obligation to uphold UN Security Council
Resolution 1172 of June 1998, which called upon India and Pakistan to join the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, stop nuclear weapons deployments, and halt the
production of nuclear bomb material. In a recent visit to India, US President
Barack Obama stated that he supported India’s candidature for a permanent seat
in the United Nations Security Council. Disregarding the international
covenants to advance its foreign policy objectives could result in a new arms
race in Asia, which is already home of four nuclear powers. Former US president
Bush had also expressed similar sentiments to appease India, but the fact
remains that US cannot influence majority of the countries to vote for India to
make it permanent member of the UNSC.
the past, the US had advocated a “criteria-based approach under which potential
members must be supremely well qualified, based on factors such as: economic
size, population, military capacity, commitment to democracy and human rights,
financial contributions to the UN, contributions to UN peacekeeping, and record
on counterterrorism and nonproliferation”. The position taken by the US
reinforced its desire to see India as permanent member of the UNSC because
otherwise it should have incorporated conditions of showing respect for and
implementing UNSC resolutions. Pakistan on Thursday said India does not qualify
to become a full member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), given
its record of violations of UN resolutions, particularly pertaining to Jammu
and Kashmir.
that said, Germany, Japan, Brazil and India have been lobbying to get permanent
membership of the Security Council with veto power. In various meetings,
Pakistan had taken the position that non-permanent members’ representation be
increased and be given to several other regions, which would help democratize
the UN. The world is aware of the fact that Israel and India have ignominious
record of showing utter disregard to the UN and its resolutions, apart from
violation of human rights. Pakistan and other South Asian countries would not
feel comfortable to see India - a hegemonic state and an aspirant of a regional
and world power - be provided an opportunity to further its interests and
is a general perception that prospects of world peace could be further obscured
if the veto power was given to the new permanent members of the Security
Council, as the misuse of the veto power in the past by the permanent members
was the reason for the Security Council’s inability to maintain international
peace. The glaring example was the use of veto-power on various resolutions on
Kashmir and Palestine by former Soviet Russia and the US. During the Cold War
era, veto power was used for advancing interests of the super-power to
detriment of a nation like Pakistan. The resolutions passed by the Security
Council could not be implemented because super powers were not serious enough,
either due to India’s size and population or their whims and fancies.