Afghanistan Complex Security Situation and Emerging Scenarios

By Kamal Akmal
The deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan and the analogous but inadequate and at times the  appalling surrenders by the Afghan security forces in the face  of Taliban’s increased subversive activities have frustrated the entire Afghan government.  The Afghan security forces, as earlier predicted by the western security experts, have failed to tackle the growing Taliban attacks.  The over all Law and order situation in the country coupled with governance, drugs trafficking, Human right abuses and corruption are the main issues yet to be addressed by Afghan government.  Although the increased activities of Taliban during the so called fighting season is not a new phenomena, it was very much existent during the bulged presence of foreign troops.  Even the US/NATO forces had failed to control and secure the small area of Kabul to protect from the reach of Taliban activities including bomb blast and suicide attacks.

            The core question, in the back drop of current security situation in Afghanistan and the corresponding failures of Afghan security forces remains the future of the ongoing peace talks, as Afghan media is portraying a very gloomy future of the peace talks.  However, the official sources have not yet given any official version about the peace talks and its future as there would be no option for Afghan government but to continue the peace talks as Taliban are making unprecedented successes in the battle field.  The Afghan government may not afford to run the government affairs as smooth as envisaged without achieving the peace accord or some other political and security arrangements with Taliban. Experts opine that until and unless some peace accord with Afghan government and Taliban is not materialized, there would be no peace in the Afghanistan and beyond. Besides, the peace accord must ensure the ceasefire/halting suicide and other bombing attacks, allow local and foreign aid workers and government machinery to run and undertake development projects in provinces being dominated by Taliban.  In addition, Taliban could be offered some share in the government so as to adjust them in the political arena and let the Afghans to decide their future in Afghanistan.

The recent suicide bombing in Afghanistan which cascaded the chain reaction of displeasure among the top leadership of Afghanistan including the President of Afghanistan is a matter of serious concern.  Since the take over of Ashraf Ghani as the President of Afghanistan, the recent statement is the harshest and frustrating one.  Pakistan authorities have been mentioning the negative elements working against the  Pakistan’s interests in Afghanistan and India is at the top of the list India’s ingress and lobbying inside the  government and political circles is an open secret.  Meddling in Pakistan affairs have never been denied by the Indian officials and at times they have publicly accepted their meddling in Pakistan; effecting security affairs leading towards the unrest and dismemberment of Pakistan.

 In current scenario and security situation in Afghanistan and increasing footprints of ISIS and their linkages and support by the Indian intelligence Agencies RAW, implies a very gruesome picture not only in Afghanistan but in the region also. The reaction on the Airport attack in Kabul by the Afghan President Ashraf Ghani; directly against Pakistan is widely seen as irrational and premature.

  The irritant  statement mainly targeting Pakistan for not doing enough for the security of Afghanistan seems to be the part of efforts to hide the failures of Afghan security forces and intelligence apparatus.  Some experts also termed the statement as the result of the immense pressure exerted on Ashraf Ghani by his administration’s main stream officials, prominently groomed and influenced by India.  Such forces from the very beginning  of the new Unity government are reluctant and hesitant to adopt a balancing policy towards Pakistan.  Those elements also remained anti-Pakistan during the former President Hamid Karzai era.

 After the take over of President Ashraf Ghani and  his pro-Pakistan tilt had caused serious concerns among the pro-Indian elements in Afghanistan.  Despite of Pakistan’s sincere efforts willingness to increase cooperation and collaboration in security and  bilateral affairs with Afghanistan.

However, Pakistan’s sincerity never received appreciation and always witnessed the raised eyebrows. Besides, Pakistan had repeatedly been identifying the terrorists and miscreants; having safe heavens in Afghanistan.

  Their activities against Pakistan had never been checked and neutralized despite of Afghan assurances given to Pakistan.  Even the nominated and authentic terrorists hiding in Afghanistan like Molvi Fazalullah and his affiliates, Baloch insurgents etc enjoyed Afghan government’s protection and no action was taken against them.  Whereas, Pakistan launched the massive operation Zarb-e-Azb against the  terrorist irrespective of their nationality or affiliation, the adopted policy against the terrorist the received international and regional appreciations.

The matter related to security issues the countries always need serious and practical steps to augment the mutual cooperation and collaboration, despite of having the signed MoU of intelligence cooperation, Afghanistan’s security related machinery never stepped forward to expand the cooperation rather; an opposition within the Afghan intelligence setup surfaced and an atmosphere of mistrust was orchestrated against Pakistan by the Indian influenced Afghan officials.

 On the other hand, the emergence of ISIS in Afghanistan, along with the impending withdrawal of US-NATO troops from the country, has driven the Taliban to step up their activities and portray their strong existence in major provinces in Afghanistan.

  There are also apprehensions of Taliban split of leadership which may pave the way to pledge allegiance to ISIS.  What was seemed un-like and an unfathomable scenario just a few years ago is getting momentum and current divisions among Taliban could materialized the Scenario of  strong ISIS presence in the region by having a strong foothold in Afghanistan, if appropriate and timely actions are not taken against them.

Expert widely agree that the increasing Chinese role in Afghanistan and opening of direct channels of communication with the Taliban earlier this year and the latest participation in Murree Talks have caused a fare amount of anxiety in Washington.  China has a multitude of reasons for participating in the peace dialogue process.  First and foremost, China sees in Afghanistan one of the main keys to its entire regional and global, strategy, from the New Silk Roads to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.  Sitting in the middle of the strategically critical Central Asia region, Afghanistan represents for China both a bridge to its partner, Pakistan and the key to the former Soviet Republics of Central Asia. Moreover, it represents a critical node in the potential pipeline networks, as well as trading routes, China also intends to be a major player in the exploitation of the mineral wealth of Afghanistan.

  The US Geological survey has estimated that the mineral wealth of Afghanistan in worth roughly, $1 trillion making it some of the most prized land in the world.  Iron, copper, cobalt, gold, lithium and any other minerals are to be found just underneath the surface of Afghanistan; clearly an enticing prospect for China.  Indeed, China has already heavily invested in copper mining concessions among other.  The other reason for china is of course the security issue. 

China’s ongoing struggle against Islamic extremism in Xingjiang has led to fears in Beijing that any economic plans could be jeopardized by terrorism related instability in Afghanistan.  China also wants to be an active player in Afghanistan in order to buttress its own national security and to instigate itself as the central economic force in the  region.  Experts are of the opinion that the emergence of ISIS in Afghanistan also serves the manifestation of US perspective; nothing could serve US imperial ambitions more effectively than a destabilized Afghanistan both as justification for continued occupation and to block Chinese penetration. So once again ISIS could be seen as the convenient tool of western power projection.  Experts believe that this new agenda of ISIS is the most lethal and dangerous agenda in the region, which would even fume the originator to its extinction.

  Hence the whole game is not about the future of Afghanistan and Central Asia.  It is all about the US and its allies clinging to Afghanistan for having to key foothold in the region, and wanting to find any pretext to maintain their presence to contain China and  Russia.  In such scenario, which was even elaborated by former Afghan President Hamid Karzai and the  momentous emergence of ISIS, both Pakistan and Afghanistan must weave a symbiotic relation for ensuring peace and stability in the region and beyond.

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