(By Umar Waqar and Waqar K Kauravi)
Post Uri, Indian jingoistic politico military leadership has become hyperbolic in inciting the bogey of Surgical Strikes and driving the hate train in South Asia. Caught within the vicious cycle of Pakistan bashing, Doval-Modi cabal has crossed all limits of diplomatic and social norms and is propagating poisonous themes of avenging the alleged militant attack on Indian Occupation Army in Indian Held Kashmir. 

Recently there have been selective leaks in Pakistani media that Civil Military leadership needed to pacify Indian sensitivities on Kashmir and alleged militant outfits. Here was also mention of the phenomenon of Pakistan’s diplomatic isolation and limited options available to Pakistan in this regard. The meeting could be an attempt to address the international community but has a negative message; political leadership is more concerned about Indian sensitivities and least concerned on what India has been doing within Pakistan. Did we ever hear that Modi has called Doval and other military intelligence chiefs to give a sermon on accommodating Pakistani sensitivities on Baluchistan and Karachi; how could Modi do that, when he is the loudest voice roaring from the rampart of Red Fort and openly stating his policy of blatant interference in Pakistan?

Later Sushma Swaraj openly spoke from the rostrum of UN General Assembly session with half of her speech used for Pakistan bashing. Today Brahamdagh Bugti, a known terrorist against Pakistan, is the blue eyed of Indian Establishment and has regularly used Indian platforms to vent his anger against Pakistan. 

As reported in Times f India of 26 Aug, referring to Baluchistan in such a prominent speech (Independence Day) was a highly unusual move bound to ratchet up tensions between the nuclear-armed neighbors more used to trading barbs over Kashmir, the cause of two of their three wars. According to a senior official at the meeting in early August, the more hawkish politicians in the room, angered by what they saw as Pakistan’s recent trouble-making in Kashmir+, thought differently, and so did Modi. By siding with the hawks, and including Baluchistan in his address+, Modi signaled a more muscular approach towards Pakistan. Defence minister Manohar Parrikar being the main force driving the initiative on Baluchistan came out openly and was supported by home minister Rajnath Singh by saying “we should do everything to silence Pakistan”

Since Doval-Modi cabal leads the Indian narrative shaping against Pakistan, the general public is vying for Pakistan’s blood in every forum from print and electronic media to social media. Pakistan artists working in India were threatened and told to leave Indian soil within 48 hours; where is the sane India now? Few sane voices in India are now facing the wrath of Hindutva flag bearers and are being dubbed as traitors and Pak Sympathizers. Two unidentified men on 4th Oct threw ink at Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in Bikanir, Rajasthan. Reacting to the ink attack, Kejriwal took to Twitter wishing the attackers well.

“Hmmm… God bless those who threw ink at me. I wish them well,” Kejriwal tweeted. According to The Indian Express, the Delhi chief minister came under a lot of flak recently for his comments on the surgical strikes carried out by the Indian army on the terrorist launch pads in Pakistan occupied Kashmir. In a video address, kejriwal saluted Prime-Minister-Narendra Modi but, at the same time, urged the Centre to expose Pakistan by releasing video footage of the covert strike.

Although Pakistan has been regularly responding to Indian rhetoric and hyperbole, India appeasement policy, which successive governments have followed in last three decades has seriously curtailed Pakistan’s diplomatic manoeuvre to check Indian outbursts and Pakistan bashing.

Today, when Modi and his surrogates threaten Pakistan with the  specter of abrogation of Indus Water Treaty and Indian fails to answer any calls on her blatant and open support to terrorist networks with Pakistan, the foreign office seems paralyzed to up the ante and expose Indian RAW’s dirty game in Pakistan. Kulbhushan case seems to be gradually losing its importance as a passive approach on diplomatic front sweeps everything under the carpet.

RAW has a history of False Flag operations and we don’t need to be defensive on that account, at present Pakistan needs to challenge Indian narrative and expose RAW’s sinister game plan. If we crumble under Indian pressure built up after Uri and don’t expose the lie of Surgical Strike, India will get emboldened. Civil-Mil relations at this juncture should show a unified stance, any wedge or gap that India is trying to create within civil military relations should be contested boldly; otherwise it will only benefit India. Gradually international media is also criticizing Indian Surgical Strike drama even few political figures in India have commented and questioned Indian claim, why own leadership is in a knee jerk reaction? This is a million dollar question.

Isn’t Kashmir oppression by India a reality, this indigenous movement can become more militant as the clock ticks, Pak agencies are in no position to control the wrath of Kashmir’s who are witnessing three months long curfew in Indian Held Kashmir, should these agencies keep getting blamed for legitimate reaction by Kashmir’s?

There is a need to understand that diplomatic isolation of Pakistan is more of Indian desire and creation of bogey built around some SAARC members like Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Bangladesh is today led by known Pakistan haters and Afghanistan’s divided leadership is playing on Indian tunes. Majority of people of Bangladesh and Afghanistan want good relations with Pakistan.

Modi’s desire to isolate Pakistan did not stop after sabotaging SAARC, BRICS summit at Goa was used as a platform to reflect Indian frustrations and the summit became hostage to Modi’s shenanigans. While china embarrassed India by disallowing BRICS forum to be used for setting bilateral scores against Pakistan, other dignitaries advised India to avoid overplaying Pakistan. BRICS summit in GOA, not only left a bad taste in the mouth of guests but also exposed Indian efforts to isolate Pakistan.

Even a cursory look at Sep this year indicates that China, Iran, OIC, Turkey and Russian federation have shown positive support for Pakistan. Despite Indian pressure. President Putin dispatched Russian military contingent to Pakistan in the middle of Uri and Surgical Strikes drama. If two major powers of P5 and regional countries are developing good relation with Pakistan, what is the reason to talk of Pakistan’s diplomatic isolation? Is the foreign office too much influenced by Doval –Modi cabal?

As far as US and US led western world is concerned, they have lesser concerns on India and Kashmir than the actual reason and that is growing Pak-China relationship and its manifestation in form of CPEC. Pakistan should be able to convince that CPEC would not only benefit China and Pakistan but also become a catalyst for the whole South and Central Asia and beyond. Economic development in Pakistan will auger well for Pakistan’s fight against terrorism and bringing the backward areas into main stream of national development.

Chinese reassurances on CPEC and emerging Eurasian Colossus that could include China, Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, CARs, Turkey, Iran and Gulf States is the new reality in the region; Pakistan needs to get diplomatic and media support from her friends in this colossus and rebut any pressures emanating from some corners of international community.

When Kashmir boils and Kashmiris defy Indian occupation, any gesture on so called Militant groups would Vindicate India. Zarb e Azb is succeeding and Army with her agencies has its hands full. With Modi threatening another Parakaram, our defense forces need to keep a vigil on the borders and Pakistani nation should stand shoulder to shoulder with her soldiers and officers. Kashmiri’s quest for freedom from shackles of India is entering a decisive phase, should Pakistan blink to appease India at this historical juncture?
(The authors are freelance columnists,

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