The Reality of Hafiz Saeeds Case

There is zero tolerance for militants and terrorist safe-havens in Pakistan. This fact is evident from our security forces resolve and successes in the war on terror. Pakistan armed forces contributions in this regard are unparalleled and exemplary. No one other than Pakistan itself recognizes militants and act against them in the best possible ways that operate on its soil and so is the case with Hafiz Muhammad Saeed (HMS).

India has been successful to an extant to sell its narrative blaming HMS as a terrorist among the west through its lobbies. Voices by India alongwith its western mates keep echoing to pressurize Pakistan for taking action against HMS. India considers JuD as Pakistan’s strategic asset, however, Pakistan candidly started investigations against HMS and its organization sunder international regimes. The courts in Pakistan, under their constitutional duty, are determined to uphold rule of law without external pressure from any state institution. Under current environment, Judiciary has become even more powerful and performs its function without executive’s interference. Supreme and High Courts of Paksitan have given historical decisions during the recent past ousting even the sitting PM of his office thus firmly establishing judicial authority.

Pakistan showed its complete willingness and intent to cooperate with Indian on this issue and ordered judicial probe. Several arrests were made in connection with the Mumbai attacks and HMS was put under seizure vide Section 11-EEE (1) of the Anti-Terrorism Act, as per UN Security Council Resolution 1267. Three judges bench ordered the release of HMS in November 2017 after 10 months of house arrest as no evidence against him or his political party and welfare organization could be found after hectic investigations.

Another important aspect of HMS is his status of terrorist and head money or bounty by the U.S. The fact of the matter is that he is not an unknown figure nor he is hiding. He even interacts with media and holds processions publically. U.S. reward for justice programme does not declare but only suspects HMS as terrorist. The programme infact ask masses to help bring a proof or tip against him in order to prove him a terrorist. In a significant development earlier this year, the U.S. excluded Lashkar-e-Taiba from organizations on which Pakistan was asked to take action under the U.S. National Defense Authorization Act 2018. One of his outfit, the Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation (FIF) has its offices all over Pakistan and is patently a charity organization working for poor and vulnerable segments of the society that are victims of disasters and conflict. Despite above, the Ministry of Interior had placed FIF on the watch list as per UNSC 1267 Sanctions which figured out to be a welfare society based on welfare and peaceful agendas. The following is recommended for media campaigns:

·        It is a totally wrong perception that Pakistan has acted against HMS due to US pressure because all actions against the JuD fall under the realm of Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad.

·        The case of Saeed must to be weighed in the light of an independent judiciary present in Pakistan. In addition, Pakistan’s institutions (Army ISl, IB, FIA) have also critically pursued the case and found that he has just been used as a scapegoat by India to divert world community from the atrocities committed by them in IOK.

·        Indian propaganda against HMS has no solid proof. In a significant development this year the U.S. excluded LeT from the list of those organizations on which Pakistan was asked to take action under the U.S. National Defense Authorization Act 2018. This was definitely based on U.S. intelligence agencies reports and not Pakistani rationales.

·        Pakistan needs to project India's non-cooperation on Mumbai attacks investigations vis-a-vis Pakistan highest degree of cooperation in HMS case.

·        There is a dire need to emphasize the case of Pakistan basing on the investigations and court decision on HMS as India alongwith U.S., west and Israel may again pressurize Pakistan to take actions against HMS and JuD which is preposterous.

·        The Bollywood movie, titled Phantom, is set in the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks in which Saeed is highlighted as the driving force behind those attacks backed by Pakistan’s deep state. For that Pakistan’s support to militant groups financially or operationally must be measured by evidence, not on the basis of false Indian media propagated stories.

·        Due to rising ties between India and the US, power imbalance will emerge in the region. The Trump administration needs to adopt a balanced approach to South Asia and avoid coercing Pakistan on the whims and impulses of India.

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